XY. LA REVISTA (Int. Title : XY. The Magazine) is a Mexican television series produced by Bravo Films for Once TV México. Directed by Emilio Maillé, produced by Patricia Arriaga and Perla Martínez and original script by Anaí López, Larissa Andrade, Rodrigo Ordóñez, Javier Peñalosa, Alonso Ruizpalacios and Alan Page. XY. LA REVISTA consists of 31 episodes of 1 hour.
STORY: The series tells the lives of five men who work together for a men's magazine where they face rivalries, financial problems and multiple changes in their lives. The series is set in the newsroom of a publishing house where the intrigue experienced by a group of men and women to create XY, the most widely read and best published magazine XY. They are losing advertisers and to change course the team has come up with a new editorial.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Adrián Campos (Claudio Lafarga) is a journalist for the magazine and his specialty is investigative journalism. Reserved and shy, he has hidden his own nature for years. When he begins a romantic relationship with Julián Rverte (Luis Gerardo Méndez), he decides to accept himself and get a divorce. Julián Reverte is a graphic designer at XY. He is openly gay and this has led to some confrontation with Tony (Eduardo Arroyuelo). Tony Hernández is the sales manager who aspires to be CEO, but his main concern now is his relationship with Paulina Duran (Sophie Alexander-Katz). Julián gets into a romantic relationship with Adrián.
Adrián Campos (Claudio Lafarga) & Julián Rverte (Luis Gerardo Méndez)
CLAUDIO LAFARGA (2009-now) July 25, 1979, Mexico City, Mexico
LUIS GERARDO MÉNDEZ (2021-now) March 12, 1982, Aguascalientes City, Mexico
SPECIAL: The series is an original idea about the world of the current Mexican man, the first fiction series produced by the channel.
AWARDS: ‘XY. LA REVISTA’ 4 nominations.
8.5 IMDB