THAT '70s SHOW is an American television teen sitcom that aired on Fox from August 23, 1998, to May 18, 2006. In 1999, the show was remade for the ITV network in the United Kingdom as Days Like These using almost verbatim scripts with minor changes to cultural references. A sequel series, That '90s Show, set in 1995 and focusing on the children of the main characters of That '70s Show, was released on Netflix on January 19, 2023. THAT '70s SHOW consists of 200 episodes of 22 minutes.
STORY: The series focuses on the lives of a group of six teenage friends living in the fictional town of Point Place, Wisconsin, from 1976 to 1979.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Due to Eric's (Topher Grace) constant talk about his complicated relationship with Donna Pinciotti (Laura Prepon), Buddy (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) thought that Eric might also be gay. After a heart-to-heart, Buddy made his move and planted a kiss on Eric.
Buddy Morgan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) & Eric Forman (Topher Grace)
JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT (1998) February 17, 1981, Los Angeles, CA, USA
TOPHER GRACE (1998-2006) July 12, 1978, New York City, NY, USA
SPECIAL: On December 6th, 1998, a kiss between two guys was aired on primetime television in North America for the very first time. The series didn’t see another gay character until a pair of neighbors eight seasons later, and even Jeff and Josh were mostly comic relief characters meant to make Eric’s straight-laced father Red uncomfortable.
AWARDS: 'THAT '70s SHOW' won 1 Primetime Emmy. 15 wins and 82 nominations.
8.1 IMDB