SWELL is an American tv-series aired on October 14, 2017 from the writer and director William Branden Blinn. Composer is Shane Howard and de cinematographer Cindy Iodice. SWELL consists of 16 episodes of 1 hour and 56 minutes.
STORY: "Swell" follows the everyday lives of five men living together on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. Unbeknownst to one another, each of them is living some aspect of his life on the DL (down low). The series delves into the multi-colored facets of human sexuality, including its influences and effects--not only upon the individual lives of the five men, but also upon the lives of those that surround them.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Swell (Eric Colton) gets an unexpected visit from his 'no strings attachted' hookup Brett (Cody Easterbrook). They go on a date and discuss their currrent situation. Brett sexual past comes on the table and it turns out that he has a wife, Cynthia (Sara Malia Hatfield). Brett must come to a decision in the relationship with Swell. Do they stop or keep going? Swell meets Brett's wife Cynthia and they are explore what the future could hold for them all.
Swell (Eric Colton) & Brett (Cody Easterbrook)
ERIC COLTON (2017) May 29, 1984, Detroit, MI, USA
CODY EASTERBROOK (2017) November 9, ?, Friendswood, TX, USA
SPECIAL: "This particular series revolves around some sort of flop-house/communal residence in Hawaii, where some guys are Firefighters, and others are just flotsam. Then there's some Hawaiian houseboy who everyone treats like a frat brother they love, but no one seems to relate to or have any dialogue with. In fact, beyond the very high-level and insignificant one sentence background stories on each character, none of them seem to be fleshed out enough to understand WHY they share such a bond".
6.0 IMDB