STRANGER THINGS is an American science fiction horror drama television series created by the Duffer Brothers for Netflix. Produced by Monkey Massacre Productions and 21 Laps Entertainment, the first season was released on Netflix on July 15, 2016. The second and third seasons followed in October 2017 and July 2019 respectively, and the fourth season was released in two parts in May and July 2022. The fifth and final season of Stranger Things is expected to be released in 2025. STRANGER THINGS consists of 42 episodes of 1 hour.
STORY: Stranger Things is set in the fictional rural town of Hawkins, Indiana, in the 1980s. The nearby Hawkins National Laboratory ostensibly performs scientific research for the United States Department of Energy but also secretly experiments with the paranormal and supernatural, sometimes with human test subjects. They have inadvertently created a portal to an alternate dimension they refer to as the Upside Down, whose presence begins to affect the residents of Hawkins in unusual ways. The first season begins in November 1983. Will Byers (Noah Schnapp) is abducted by a creature from the Upside Down. His mother, Joyce (Winona Ryder), the town's police chief, Jim Hopper (David Harbour) and a group of volunteers search for him. A young psychokinetic girl named Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) escapes from the laboratory and is found by friends of Will. Eleven befriends and assists them in their efforts to find Will.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Will (Noah Schnapp) as a gay boy falls in love with straight best friend, straight best friend Mike (Finn Wolfhard) falls in love with Eleven (Millie Booby Brown), so gay boy paints a dragon picture to express his feelings for straight best friend, but that gives straight best friend the courage to tell Eggo-loving psychic that he loves her, leaving gay boy behind to look out the car window and cry.....
Will Byers (Noah Schnapp) & Mike Wheeler (Finn Wolfhard)
NOAH SCHNAPP (2016-2025) October 3, 2004 New York, City, NY, USA
FINN WOLFHARD (2016-2025) December 23, 2002, Vancouver, Canada
SPECIAL: Halfway through season four's never-ending finale, Jonathan (Charlie Heaton) explains to Will that he loves him always, no matter what. Tears are shed, and the pair lovingly embrace. It's the beautiful, heartfelt coming-out moment that we've all been waiting for, except there is no coming out. Not really. Because Will doesn't actually express his true feelings in this scene, or any other for that matter.
AWARDS: 'STRANGER HEARTS' won 12 Primetime Emmys 112 wins and 317 nominations.
8.7 IMDB