SOULMATES is an American science fiction television anthology series created by William Bridges and Brett Goldstein. Soulmates premiered on AMC on October 5, 2020. In August 2020, the series was renewed for a second season, ahead of the series premiere, but till now not made. SOULMATES consists of 8 episodes of 55 minutes.
STORY: Soulmates is set approximately 15 years in the future, when a company called Soul Connex has developed a test that can determine the person you were most meant to love with 100% accuracy. People who take the test either learn of their soulmate and have the choice to pursue that person, or get a response of, "Your soulmate hasn't tested yet."
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Mateo (Bill Skarsgård) has a layover in Mexico for an evening on his way to meet his soulmate match, Miguel, in Colombia. Mateo meets Jonah (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett) in a bar, has a sexual encounter with him, and later discovers his passport missing. After Mateo learns he needs $3,000 to get his passport back, he and Jonah embark on a wild night of thievery, gambling and infiltrating a criminal organization. Mateo ultimately retrieves his passport, but is conflicted about leaving Jonah behind. Jonah encourages him to meet his soulmate, and Mateo leaves for the airport. Later, Jonah is flirting with another man in the bar, when he is surprised to see Mateo has returned after skipping his flight.
Mateo (Bill Skarsgård) & Jonah (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett)
BILL SKARSGÅRD (2020) August 9, 1990, Vallingby, Sweden
NATHAN STEWART-JARRETT (2020) December 4, 1985, Wandsworth, UK
SPECIAL: The series explores through self-contained episodes whether love is destiny or a choice. Says series co-creator Will Bridges, "Your soulmate is the person you will love the most, more than anyone else. A soulmate isn't someone who is going to fix you. It's the person you will feel love for the strongest, and it’s undeniable. Does that mean true happiness, or the best person for you?"
AWARDS: ‘SOULMATES’ 1 nomination.
6.3 IMDB