SHRINKING is an American comedy-drama television series created by Bill Lawrence, Jason Segel and Brett Goldstein. The series premiered on January 27, 2023, on Apple TV+. It has received positive reviews, with praise for its performances, writing, humor, and examination of grief. It was renewed for a second season in March 2023. SHRINKING consists of 11 episodes of 33 minutes.
STORY: A therapist, Jimmy Laird (Jason Segel), dealing with severe grief after his wife's death, begins to breach ethical barriers by telling his patients what he really thinks, resulting in massive changes to his and their lives. Harrison Ford, Jessica Williams, Christa Miller, Michael Urie, Luke Tennie, and Lukita Maxwell also star.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Brian Lorenzo (Michael Urie) is a succesfull attorney and the best friend to Jimmy (Jason Segel), who has been studiously ghosting Brian since the death of his wife. However, as his life begins to spin out of control, he needs Brian’s help bringing together a group of disparate people, all facing their own struggles and forms of grief — be it the loss of a loved one, a marriage, or even their health — to form the kind of unique family that you can’t help but love and want to spend time with. Brian has an amazing and handsome partner named Charlie (Devin Kawaoka), whom he is going to get around to proposing to any day now if he can just get over his cold feet.
Brian Lorenzo (Michael Urie) & Charlie (Devin Kawaoka)
MICHAEL URIE (2023) August 8, 1980, Dallas, TX, USA
DEVIN KAWAOKA (2023) ?, 1983, Rochester, NY, USA
SPECIAL: It was a part that might not have been originally written for Urie, but once he was cast, however, it was adapted to fit him perfectly. For one thing Urie, like Brian, is a queer man who grew up in Texas. It’s one of many details the writers added to the character, says Urie.
AWARDS: 'SHRINKING' nominated for 2 primetime Emmys. 4 wins and 29 nominations.
8.0 IMDB