SHADOWHUNTERS, also known as Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments, is an American supernatural drama television series developed by Ed Decter, based on the book series The Mortal Instruments written by Cassandra Clare. It premiered in North America on Freeform on January 12, 2016. SHADOWHUNTERS consists of 55 episodes of 42 minutes.
STORY: The series follows Clary Fray (Katherine McNamara), who discovers on her eighteenth birthday that she is not who she thinks she is, but rather comes from a long line of Shadowhunters, demon-hunting human-angel hybrids, and to deal with the struggle of forbidden love.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Alec Lightwood (Matthew Daddario) is a serious and no-nonsense Shadowhunter, the older brother of Isabelle (Emeraude Topia) and Max (Jack Fulton) and the adoptive brother and Parabatai (a pair of Nephilim warriors) of Jace (Dominic Sherwood). Between Season 1 and Season 2, he begins dating Magnus Bane (Harry Shum Jr.), the High Warlock of Brooklyn. In Season 2B, Alec becomes the head of the New York Institute. In the third season finale. Revealing Magnus had really fallen in love with Alec and wanted him forever. In Season 3B, Alec and Magnus propose and get married.
Magnus Bane (Harry Shum Jr.) & Alec Lightwood (Matthew Daddario)
HARRY SHUM Jr. (2016-2019) April 28, 1982, Puerto Limon, Costa Rica
MATTHEW DADDARIO (2016-2019) October 1, 1987, New York City, NY, USA
SPECIAL: The chemistry between Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood is incendiary and all-consuming; it is palpable. Alec succumbs to the weight of his family's high expectations and his confusing feelings for his best friend Jace. It's Magnus, a 400-year-old sexually fluent warlock, who helps Alec better understand those feelings.
AWARDS: SHADOWHUNTERS’ 13 wins & 23 nominations
6.6 IMDB