SEX AND THE CITY is an American romantic comedy-drama television series created by Darren Star for HBO. It is an adaptation of Candace Bushnell's 1997 book of the same name. The series premiered in the United States on June 6, 1998 and ended on February 22, 2004 with 94 episodes airing over six seasons. During development, the series received contributions from various producers, screenwriters and directors, most notably Michael Patrick King. SEX AND THE CITY consists of 94 episodes of 30 minutes.
STORY: Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) is the narrator and protagonist with each episode structured around her train of thought while writing her weekly "Sex and the City" column for the fictional newspaper, the New York Star. Carrie is engaged in a relationship with Mr. Big (Chris Noth), a prominent businessman and lover of jazz and cigars whose real name is revealed in the final episode.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Stanford Blatch (Willie Garson) is Carrie's flamboyant best friend and Anthony Marentino (Mario Cantone) his fast-, no-nonsense-talking husband. Anthony Marnatino is Charlotte's wedding planner and friend.
Stanford Blatch (Willie Garson) & Anthony Marantino (Mario Cantone)
WILLIE GARSON (1998-2004) February 20, 1964, Highland Park, NJ, USA † September 21, 2021, Los Angeles, CA, USA
MARIO CANTONE (2008) December 9, 1959, Stoneham, MA, USA
SPECIAL: When it comes to LGBTQ+ people, Sex and the City has a mixed legacy. The show premiered on HBO in 1998, when openly queer people were more of a rarity on TV, so giving fans a glimpse into the lives of a small number of LGBTQ+ characters seemed progressive. The problem was, as Cynthia Nixon surmised, “A lot of the LGBT stuff in [Sex and the City] was purely for comedic effect—and now rings harsh on the ear.”
AWARDS: ‘SEX AND THE CITY’ won 7 Primetime Emmys. 48 wins & 166 nominations
7.2 IMDB