SEVERANCE is an American science fiction psychological thriller television series created by Dan Erickson and directed by Ben Stiller and Aoife McArdle. SEVERANCE consists of 19 episodes of 50 minutes.
STORY: Biotechnology corporation Lumon Industries uses a medical procedure called "severance" to separate the memories of their employees depending spatially on whether they are at work or not. When a severed worker is at work, they are dubbed "innies" and cannot remember anything of their lives or the world outside. When outside work, they are dubbed "outies" and cannot remember their time at work. Season one centers on one severed employee, Mark (Adam Scott), who gradually uncovers a web of conspiracies at Lumon.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: The queer relationship that runs through season one of Severance favors a kind of storytelling that, even as queer representation becomes more prominent (and at times, more homogenous), feels like a rarity. t’s the fact that these characters are older that makes their story so fascinating; at once something approaching liberation, while also being desperately sad and lonely. At the centre of this storyline are Irving and Burt (John Turturro and Christopher Walken, respectively).
Irving (John Turturro) & Burt (Christopher Walken)
JOHN TURTURRO (2022-2024) February 28, 1957, Brooklyn, NY, USA
CHRISTOPHER WALKEN (2022-2024) March 31, 1943, Astoria, NY, USA
SPECIAL: John Turturro personally suggested Christopher Walken for the role of Burt because he said they’ve been friends for so many years that recreating that kind of intimacy with him would be comfortable and easy.
AWARDS: ‘SEVERANCE’ won 2 Primetime Emmys. 77 wins & 99 nominations
8.7 IMDB