SCHITT'S CREEK (stylized as Schitt$ Creek) is a Canadian television sitcom created by father and son Eugene and Dan Levy that aired on CBC Television from January 13, 2015 to April 7, 2020. It consists of 80 episodes spanning six seasons. Produced by Not a Real Company Productions and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. SCHITT'S CREEK consists of 80 episodes of 22 minutes.
STORY: The Wealthy Rose family — video store mogul Johnny (Eugene Levy), his wife and former soap actress Moira (Catherine O'Hara), and their spoiled adult children David (Dan Levy) and Alexis (Annie Murphy) — lose their fortunes after being scammed by their manager. They rebuild their lives with their only remaining property in a small town called Schitt's Creek, which Johnny bought for David in 1991 as a funny birthday present. The Roses move to Schitt's Creek and move into two adjoining rooms in a run-down motel. As the family adjusts to their new life, their affluent demeanor conflicts with the more provincial residents of Schitt's Creek.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: David Rose (Dan Levy) is Johnny and Moira's pretentious son. David struggles to adjust to small-town life in Schitt's Creek. Patrick Brewer (Noah Reid), David's business partner and boyfriend turned husband.
David Rose (Dan Levy) & Patrick Brewer (Noah Reid)
DAN LEVY (2015-2020) August 9, 1983, Toronto, Canada
NOAH REID (2017-2020) November 29, 1987, Toronto, Canada
SPECIAL: During the early stages of development, several networks suggested changing the show's title to make it sound less vulgar. The Levys opposed these suggestions, arguing that "Schitt" was a legitimate surname. To prove their point, they brought pages copied from a phone book to the CBC listing individuals with the last name "Schitt". The CBC agreed and allowed the Levys to keep the original title.
AWARDS: ‘SCHITT’S CREEK’ won 9 Primetime Emmys. 115 wins & 164 nominations
8.5 IMDB