QUEER AS FOLK is a 1999 British television series that tells the lives of three gay men who live in Manchester's gay village around Canal Street. It initially ran for eight episodes, but a two-part sequel was shown in 2000. It was written by Russell T Davies and produced by Red Production Company for Channel 4. QUEER AS FOLK consists of 10 episodes of 48 minutes.
STORY: The main characters are Stuart Allen Jones (Aidan Gillen), who is successfully very sexually active. His old friend Vince Tyler (Craig Kelly), who is in love with Stuart, has less luck with men. 15-year-old Nathan Maloney (Charlie Hunnam) is new to the gay scene but has no lack of confidence.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: The series is about gay friends Vince (Craig Kelly) and Stuart (Aidan Gillen). Both are in their late twenties and the most important things in their lives are the clubs, sex and drugs. One evening, Stuart seduces 15-year-old Nathan (Charlie Hunnam). Nathan falls in love with Stuart, but for Stuart it was no more than a one night stand.
Stuart Allen Jones (Aidan Gillen) & Nathan Malhony (Charlie Hunnam)
AIDAN GILLEN (1999-2000) April 24, 1968, Drumcondra, Dublin, Ireland
CHARLIE HUNNAM (1999-2000) April 10, 1980, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
SPECIAL: The producers say that Queer as Folk, while superficially realistic depicting gay city life in the 1990s, is meant to be a fantasy, and that Stuart, Vince and Nathan are not so much characters as gay male archetypes. Gillen was nominated for Best Actor at the 1999 BAFTA TV Award for his role, while the series was nominated for Best Drama Serial at the 1999 Royal Television Society Awards.
AWARDS: ‘QUEER AS FOLK UK’ nominated 4 BAFTA. 6 wins 7 nominations
8.2 IMDB