romantic gay couples





PRISON BREAK is an American drama television series created by Paul Scheuring for Fox. The series is executive-produced by Matt Olmstead, Kevin Hooks, Marty Adelstein, Dawn Parouse, Neal H. Moritz, and Brett Ratner who directed the pilot episode. The series' theme music, composed by Ramin Djawadi, was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in 2006. PRISON BREAK consists of 90 episodes of 44 minutes.

STORY: The series revolves around two brothers, Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell) and Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller); Burrows has been sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit, while Scofield devises an elaborate plan to help his brother escape prison and clear his name.

GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Bagwell (Robert Knepper) was sentenced to life in prison for six counts each of kidnapping, rape and murder at Donaldson Prison in Alabama. Seth Hoffner (Blaine Hogan) was 8 years at Fox River State Penitentiary for Vehicular Invasion and Kidnapping. He was quickly given the nickname Cherry and forced into a sexual relationship with T-Bag. Seth appealed to Michael (Wentworth Miller) for help, Michael refused to get involved since T-Bag was aware of Michael's escape plan. Shortly thereafter, Seth committed suicide by hanging himself, causing Michael to feel guilty.

Theodore Bagwell/T-Bag (Robert Knepper) & Seth Hoffner (Blaine Hogan)

ROBERT KNEPPER (2005-2017) July 8, 1959, Fremont, OH, USA

BLAINE HOGAN (2005) January 29, 1980, Minnesota, USA

SPECIAL: Robert Knepper reprised his role as T-Bag in the 2011 A&E Network television series, Breakout Kings, which was created by Prison Break writers Matt Olmstead and Nick Santora.

AWARDS: 'PRISON BREAK' nominated for 1 Primetime EMMY. 8 wins and 32 nominations.

8.3 IMDB