THE OTHER TWO is an American comedy television series created by Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider. The story follows two floundering millennial siblings who must grapple with their 13-year-old brother's overnight fame. THE OTHER TWO consists of 30 episodes of 30 minutes.
STORY: A gay aspiring actor, Cary (Drew Tarver), and his sister Brooke (Heléne Yorke), a former professional dancer, try to find their place in the world while wrestling with their feelings about their 13-year-old brother Chase's sudden rise to Internet fame. Drew's straight(ish?) roommate on The Other Two is played by Andrew Ridings, and he loves to ride Drew's pole on the DL. This drives Drew wild. Drew even walks in on Andrew masturbating to porn, but instead of stopping, Andrew continues to jack off, and even asks if Drew can "hang".
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE 1: In season 2 Cary (Drew Tarver) as a boyfriend and now he is making some strides in his romantic life. Carey and his boyfriend, Jess (Gideon Glick), who are kind of obsessed with this idea of being a picture-perfect gay couple, which to them, is basically being straight..
Cary Dubek (Drew Tarver) & Jess (Gideon Glick)
DREW TARVER (2019-2023) May 6, 1986, Glennville, GA, USA
GIDEON GLICK (2021) July 6, 1988, Philadelphia, PA, USA
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE 2: In the series there is another couple played by Noah Galvin as Eddie and Tuc Watkins as Troy, who are open to Grindr threesomes and talk about taking Pat (Molly Shannon, Cary’s mother) at the club.
Eddie (Noah Galvin) & Troy (Tuc Watkins)
NOAH GALVIN (2021) Mai 6, 1994 Katonah, NY, USA
TUC WATKINS (2019-2021) Sept. 2, 1966, Kansas City, KS, USA
SPECIAL: Multiple sources involved with The Other Two confirm Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider were the subject of complaints to human resources over behavior on set and in the writers room. These include allegations that Kelly verbally abused writers and overworked crew and claims that Schneider enabled his behavior.
AWARDS: 'THE OTHER TWO' nominated for 1 Primetime EMMY. 4 wins and 37 nominatons.
7.8 IMDB