OOGAPPELS (Int. Title: Apple of my Eye) is a Dutch television series that has been broadcast by BNNVARA on NPO 1 since January 2019. It is directed by Will Koopman, Antoinette Beumer and André van Duren. Will Koopman is also the creator of the series. The series is largely shot in and around Amersfoort in the province of Utrecht. OOGAPPELS consists of 50 episodes of 50 minutes.
STORY: Social media, stress, designer clothes, sex and drugs. The social pressure on parents to raise their children perfectly is recognizable to many. In Oogappels you follow four families, each with their own way of doing things.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Chris Larooi (Thor Braun) is a boy who dresses extravagantly and absolutely does not allow himself to be categorized. In season 3, a new boy Sammie (Moos Boeke) arrives in his class. Sammie is transgender. As two misfits, they become close friends and a romantic relationship develops between the two.
Chris Larooi (Thor Braun) & Sammie (Moos Boeke)
THOR BRAUN (2019-2021) February 12, 2000, Netherlands
MOOS BOEKE (2021) August 27, 2003, Netherlands
SPECIAL: In the podcast Echte Oogappels, Margreet Reijntjes speaks with experts about adolescent stress and parental suffering. For example, how do you deal with alcohol and drug use? And how much responsibility do you bear for your child's happiness? The podcast can be listened to via your favorite podcast app. Moos Boeke is also in real life transgender.
AWARDS: ‘OOGAPPELS‘ Won the Golden Televizier Ring. 2 nominations
8.0 IMDB