OLYMPUS is a Canadian/British fantasy television series that premiered on Syfy in the USA and Super Channel in Canada on 2 April 2015. A retelling of Greek myths, the first season had thirteen episodes, and concluded on 2 July 2015. The series was cancelled in July 2015, and was poorly received by critics. OLYMPUS consists of 13 episodes of 46 minutes.
STORY: The story of how several brave men and women banished the gods from Olympus to the unconscious realm, a place dubbed as the Kingdom of Hades, or the underworld. A young man, Hero (Tom York), attempts to find the truths of his past and shed light on the future, which will inevitably link back to the gods themselves.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Pallas (John Emmet Tracy) is quick to put himself in Lykos' (Wayne Burns) favor by warning him that General Proteus (Michael Rogers) will try to take credit for Lykos' brilliant ideas. He tries to manipulate Lykos to ascend the throne. Part of that involves having to kill a man as a ritual sacrifice, which Lykos cannot do. Pallas thinks this is because Lykos is gay and cannot sacrifice a man he wants to caress. So Pallas increases his manipulations by offering Lykos a handsome young writer, Kimon (Levi Meaden), who can serve him however he pleases. And of course can spy and manipulate.
Prince Lykos (Wayne Burns) & Kimon (Levi Meaden)
WAYNE BURNS (2015) ?, Truro, Canada
LEVI MEADEN (2015) September 13, 1987, Saskatoon, Canada
SPECIAL: Critical reviews for the series were mostly negative, particularly for the campy acting, the heavy use of green screens, the special effects and for being similar to earlier fantasy epics, with Keith Uhlich of The Hollywood Reporter calling it "300 as shot for $300".
AWARDS: ‘OLYMPUS’ 1 nomination
6.2 IMDB