NEIGHBOURS is an Australian television soap opera that first aired on the Seven Network on March 18, 1985. It was created by television director Reg Watson. Seven decided to air the show after the success of Watson's earlier soap opera Sons and Daughters. Although successful in Melbourne, Neighbours underperformed and struggled for months until Seven cancelled it. The show was immediately bought by rival network Ten. After taking over production of the show, the new network had to build replica sets because Seven destroyed the originals to prevent his rival from getting them. Neighbours started on January 20, 1986 and picked up where the previous series left off with episode 171. Neighbours has since become the longest-running drama series on Australian television. NEIGHBOURS consists of 9199 episodes of 22 minutes.
STORY: Australian soap opera exploring the lives and relationships of the residents of Ramsay Street in Erinsborough.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: David (Takaya Honda) is portrayed as having trouble with his sexuality. David and Aaron (Matt Wilson) start a relationship, the response from viewers was positive and many hoped that they would get together, which even earned them portmanteau "Daron". Honda likened the clutch to a traditional on/off relationship on a soap opera. He noted that "everything that's happened to Aaron and David has been justified and there's a reality and I kind of like that."
David Tanaka (Takaya Honda) & Aaron Brennan (Matt Wilson)
TAKAYA HONDA (2016-2021) September 6, 1987, Canberra, Australia
MATT WILSON (2015-2021) June 27, 1988, Sydney, Australia
SPECIAL: Matt Wilson and Takaya Honda marked the first gay marriage on an Australian television series since gay marriage was legalized in Australia in 2017. The wedding episode aired on September 3, 2018.
AWARDS: ‘NEIGHBOURS’: 26 wins and 77 nominations
5.4 IMDB