MAD MEN is an American drama series created by Matthew Weiner and produced by Lionsgate Television. The series ran on the cable network AMC from July 19, 2007 to May 17, 2015 and ran for seven seasons and 92 episodes. MAD MEN consists of 92 episodes of 45 minutes.
STORY: The fictional time frame runs from March 1960 to November 1970. A drama about one of New York's most prestigious advertising agencies in the early 1960s, centring on one of the company's most mysterious yet extremely talented ad executive, Donald “Don” Draper (Jon Hamm).
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Salvatore "Sal" Romano (Bryan Batt); regular in seasons 1-3, is the Italian-American former art director at Sterling Cooper. Sal is gay, but closeted. In 1962, Sal is married to Kitty, who seems oblivious to Sal's sexual orientation but begins to realize that something is wrong in their relationship. When Kurt (Edin Gali), a recently recruited young advertising executive, casually announces his homosexuality, Sal remains painfully silent as his colleagues talk contemptuously about Kurt. Later in season 3, Sal rejects the sexual advances of Lee Garner Jr. (Darren Pettie), the drunken playboy son of Lucky Strike founder and a key customer. Angered by the rejection, the client demands that Sal be removed from the campaign and Roger fires Sal to appease the client and keep his $25 million account. In a conversation immediately after the firing, Don explains that the agency can't risk losing Lucky Strike and suggests that Sal should have taken Garner Jr.'s advances.
Salvatore Romano (Bryan Batt) & Lee Garner Jr. (Darren Pettie)
BRYAN BATT (2007-2009) March 1, 1963, New Orleans, LA, USA
DARREN PETTIE (2007-2010) August 18, 1970, Andalusia, AL, USA
SPECIAL: Mad Men mainly focuses on Don Draper, although it is an ensemble cast, it shows different segments of society in 1960s New York. Mad Men emphasizes memory progression as a means of revealing the characters' pasts.
AWARDS: ‘MAD MEN’ won 16 Primetime Emmys. 143 wins & 406 nominations.
8.6 IMDB