DE LUIZENMOEDER (Int. Title: The Lice Mother) is a Dutch comedy series broadcast by AVROTROS on NPO 3. The first season, which consisted of nine episodes, was broadcast weekly on Sundays between 14 January and 11 March. The series became an unexpected success, reaching record-breaking ratings and receiving awards. A second season started on February 10, 2019. The Belgian production house Lecter Media bought the rights to make a Belgian version under the direction of Maarten Moerkerke, which was broadcast on VTM from January 2019. The feature film De Luizenmoeder premiered in 2021. DE LUIZENMOEDER consists 20 episodes of 30 minutes.
STORY: The series is about a primary school, called "De Klimop", with the teachers, the director and the parents of the first class (group 3) students.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Walter (Rop Verheijen) is one of Rianne's adoptive fathers. He is married to Kenneth (André Dongelmans). Kenneth is colored and as a result is more than once confronted with racial stereotypes or exaggerated political correctness. The gentlemen got to know each other when they played for Zwarte Piet at the arrival of Sinterklaas. According to other parents, Rianne, the daughter of Walter and Kenneth, shows abnormal behaviour for a girl and according to them she is a trans person. Because the men's and boys' toilets are clogged, everyone has to go to the women's toilets, which irritates parents and staff.
Walter (Rop Verheijen) & Kenneth (André Dongelmans)
ROP VERHEIJEN (2018-2019) December 24, 1974, Winssen, Netherlands
ANDRÉ DONGELMANS (2018-2019) July 29, 1987, Utrecht, Netherlands
SPECIAL: Dongelmans talked about cyberstalking and nuisance: "Since De Luizenmoeder, I sometimes get a photo, a dick, sent to me. A photo of a man with standing with such a thing. Especially on Snapchat. Fortunately, when they send photos via Snapchat, fortunately it disappears very quickly."
AWARDS: ‘DE LUIZENMOEDER’ 3 wins and 2 nominations.
8.0 IMDB