THE LONG CALL is a British crime drama television series developed by Kelly Jones and Silverprint Pictures based on the 2019 novel of the same name by Ann Cleeves. It premiered on ITV in the United Kingdom on 25 October 2021 and was released internationally as a BritBox original following broadcast. THE LONG CALL consists of 4 episodes of 46 minutes.
STORY: When a body is found on a beach in North Devon, DI Matthew Venn (Ben Aldridge) tackles a case that has no witnesses, no forensics and no motive. Matthew is also dealing with the death of his father and being thrust back into a community he was forced to leave.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Detective Inspector Matthew Venn (Ben Aldridge), a gay man played by Ben Aldridge, leads the cast. In the opening episode, it was revealed he recently returned to North Devon with his husband Jonathan (Declan Bennett) after being rejected by his family due to his sexuality 20 years ago.
DI Matthew Venn (Ben Aldridge) & Jonathan Roberts (Declan Bennett)
BEN ALDRIDGE (2021) November 12, 1985, Exeter, UK
DECLAN BENNETT (2021) March 20, 1981, Coventry, UK
SPECIAL: Viewers heaped praise on The Long Call for breaking new ground with DI Venn’s character, celebrating that his sexuality isn’t.
AWARDS: ‘THE LONG CALL’ 1 nomination
6.6 IMDB