romantic gay couples





KINGDOM (previously titled Navy St.) is an American drama television series created by Byron Balasco. The series premiered on October 8, 2014 on the Audience Network and concluded on August 2, 2017. It stars Frank Grillo, Kiele Sanchez, Matt Lauria, Jonathan Tucker, Nick Jonas, and Joanna Going. Season one consists of ten episodes. KINGDOM consists of 40 episodes of 43 minutes.

STORY: Alvey Kulina (Frank Grillo) owns and runs a mixed martial arts gym called Navy St. Gym in Venice, California, with his girlfriend, Lisa (Kiele Sanchez). He helps people work out and trains fighters along with his sons, Nate (Nick Jonas) and Jay (Jonathan Tucker). Jay has a drug and alcohol problem, but puts it aside to start fighting again and Nate is dealing with personal issues as well.

GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Nathaniel "Nate" Kulina (Nick Jonas) is Alvey and Christina's younger son, an upcoming fighter who after an attack is put on the backbench. He is also a closeted gay man. Will (Jonathan Howard) aids his boss with date rapes and this is why him and Nate even met in the first place. They went as far as romanticizing the rape scene and Will dealing with the aftermath quite nonchalantly. In the opening episode of season three, however, Nate’s newfound life as an out gay man is moving fast, with his love interest Will giving him a key to his apartment.

Nate Kulina (Nick Jonas) & Will (Jonathan Howard)

NICK JONAS (2014-2017) September 16, 1992, Dallas, TX, USA 

JONATHAN HOWARD (2016-2017) ?, Lancashire, UK

SPECIAL: It was bad enough realizing, ‘well shit, they had Nate be raped just for his brother to find out he’s gay’ when they could have had his brother find out like his girlfriend earlier did by finding his phone logged into Grindr, or something similar and then have Nate come out to him.


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