JULIE AND THE PHANTOMS is an American musical comedy-drama television series created by Dan Cross and David Hoge that was released via streaming on Netflix on September 10, 2020. The series is based on the Brazilian television series Julie e os Fantasmas. JAMIE OF THE PHANTOMS consists of 9 episodes of 28 minutes.
STORY: Julie (Madison Reyes) is a teenage girl who finds her passion in her life and for music with the help of a high-concept band of teenage boys (The Phantoms) who have been dead for 25 years. Julie, in turn, helps them become the band they never could be.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Alex (Owen Patrick Joyner) is the drummer of the Phantoms, who falls in love with another ghost named Willie. Willie (Booboo Stewart) is a fellow ghost who loves skateboarding, who also becomes Alex's love interest
Alex (Owen Joyner) & Willie (Booboo Stewart)
OWEN JOYNER (2020-) July 19, 2000, Norman, OK, USA
BOOBOO STEWART (2020-) January 21, 1994, Beverly Hills, CA, USA
SPECIAL: Caroline Framke of Variety wrote, "Of course their ghost adventures get silly very quickly. But who cares! Julie and the Phantoms is just fun and cute enough that none of that really matters."
AWARDS: ‘JULIE AND THE PHANTOMS’ 6 wins and 13 nominations.
8.5 IMDB