INSATIABLE is an American dark comedy-drama streaming television series created by Lauren Gussis, starring Dallas Roberts and Debby Ryan. It is based on Jeff Chu's article "The Pageant King of Alabama" published in July 2014 in The New York Times Magazine. The first season premiered on Netflix on August 10, 2018. In September 2018, the series was renewed for a second season, which premiered on October 11, 2019. In February 2020, Netflix cancelled the series after two seasons. INSATIABLE consists of 22 episodes of 45 minutes.
STORY: Patty Bladell (Debby Ryan) is a teen who was constantly bullied at school for being overweight. After a violent clash with a homeless man for three months, she goes on a liquid diet during the summer holidays. She is now skinny and she seeks revenge on her bullies. A disgraced citizen lawyer and obsessed beauty pageant coach, Bob Armstrong (Dallas Roberts) sees Patty's potential and wants to make her a beauty queen.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Bob Armstrong (Dallas Roberts) is an election coach and his model is Dixie Sinclair (Irene Choi) and her mother is Regina Sinclair (Arden Myrin). Then Bob introduces his idol Bob Barnard (Christopher Gorham) and Barnard's daughter, Magnolia (Erinn Westbrook), who is also a model. When Bob Armstrong discovers that Bob Barnard is Roxy (Chloe Bridges)'s father, Barnard reveals that Stella Rose (Beverly d'Angelo) slept with him to get revenge on Armstrong. In exchange for Armstrong's silence, Barnard reveals that Magnolia cheated on the Bible quiz, giving Patty the crown. After hearing of the negotiation between the Bobs, Magnolia overdoses.
Bob Armstrong (Dallas Roberts) & Bob Barnard (Christopher Gorham)
DALLAS ROBERTS (2018-2019) May 10, 1970, Houston, TX, USA
CHRISTOPHER GORHAM (2018-2019) August 14, 1974, Fresno, CA, USA
SPECIAL: The Netflix series Insatiable is somewhat controversial due to a body shaming plot.
6.5 IMDB