HIT THE FLOOR, originally titled Bounce, is an American sports drama television series that debuted on VH1 on May 27, 2013. Created by James LaRosa, the series chronicles the courtroom drama surrounding the Los Angeles Devil Girls, the cheerleaders of the Los Angeles Devils, a fictional professional basketball team. On April 27, 2017, the series was renewed for a fourth season of eight episodes that premiered on BET on July 10, 2018. The network cancelled the series on December 7, 2018. HIT THE FLOOR consists of 41 episodes of 1 hour.
STORY: Ahsha Hayes (Taylor Paige) enters the wild world of professional basketball when she tries to join the elite L.A. Devil Girls dance team against the wishes of her mother Sloane (Kimberly Elise), herself a former dancer.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: "Zero" (Adam Senn) -seasons 2-3- is a cunning attacker from Ohio has some secrets. Jude Kinkade (Brent Antonello) -seasons 2-4-, is a junior cop and gay son estranged from his father, eventually becomes the Devils' vice president and then the team's owner. Zero seduces Jude Kinkade. Zero's ex Jelena (Logan Browning) puts things on fire.
Jude Kinkade (Brent Antonello) & Zero (Adam Senn)
BRENT ANTONELLO (2014-2018) August 25, 1989, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
ADAM SENN (2014-2016) April 10, 1984, Paris, France
SPECIAL: In April 2013, Starz Distribution entered into an international television distribution agreement to represent Hit the Floor outside of the United States. The first season was the #1 new cable-scripted series as of mid-2013 among adults 18-49 viewers.
AWARDS: ‘HIT THE FLOOR’ 1 nomination.
7.1 IMDB