HERE AND NOW is an American drama series created by Alan Ball. The 10-episode series premiered on HBO on February 11, 2018. Starring Holly Hunter and Tim Robbins, the series focuses on a modern-day multiracial family living in the Portland area. The show's plot involves many issues, including race, identity, and mental illness. HERE AND NOW consists of 10 episodes of 1 hour.
STORY: A forward-thinking Portlandian family consisting of husband, wife, three adopted children of Liberia, Vietnam and Colombia and a biological daughter, all testing their sanity and their values in 2018.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Adopted at 18 months from an orphanage in Colombia, Ramon Bayer-Boatwright (Daniel Zovatto) is now a senior university student studying video game design. Henry (Andy Bean) is a free spirit who falls in love with Ramon. Henry is also an outsider like Ramon and he doesn't want to put a label on anything. He wants to listen to Ramon and help.
Ramon Bayer-Boatwright (Daniel Zovatto) & Henry (Andy Bean)
DANIEL ZOVATTO (2018) June 28, 1991, San Jose, Costa Rica
ANDY BEAN (2018) October 7, 1984, Chicago, IL, USA
SPECIAL: During his therapy session led by therapist Farid/Fred Shrokani (Peter Macdissi), Ramon notes that the woman in Ramon's dream is the therapist's mother and that 11:11 is his therapist's birthday. The therapist also has a gender-fluid son who enjoys cross-dressing and wearing a hijab.
AWARDS: ‘HERE AND NOW’ 1 nomination.
6.8 IMDB