HAPPILY DIVORCED is an American sitcom created by Fran Drescher and Peter Marc Jacobson. Inspired by their own experiences as a formerly married couple, the series, which became TV Land's third original scripted series following Hot in Cleveland and Retired at 35, ran from June 15, 2011, to February 13, 2013. HAPPILY DIVORCED consisted of 34 episodes of 30 minutes.
STORY: Fran Lovett (Fran Drescher), a Los Angeles florist who is shocked when Peter Lovitt (John Michael Higgins), her husband of 18 years, comes out of the closet as gay. They divorce, but because of the poor economy, they cannot afford to live separately. She struggles with navigating the new parameters of their relationship while re-entering the dating pool.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Peter (John Michael Higgins) is a real estate agent and Fran's gay ex-husband. Colin Ferguson as Chris, Peter's boyfriend in season 2.
Peter Lovitt (John Michael Higgins) & Chris (Colin Ferguson)
JOHN MICHEL HIGGINS (2011-2013) February 12, 1963, Boston, MA, USA
COLIN FERGUSON (2013) July 22, 1972, Montreal, Canada
SPECIAL: Happily Divorced is inspired by the real lives of series creators Fran Drescher and Peter Marc Jacobson, who had been high school sweethearts and then married in 1978. They divorced in 1999. Jacobson later came out as gay to Drescher and the two remained friends.
6.8 IMDB