GLAMOROUS is an American comedy drama television series created by Jordon Nardino, starring Kim Cattrall and Miss Benny. The ten-episode series was released on Netflix on June 22, 2023. GLAMOROUS consists of 10 episodes of 45 minutes.
STORY: Marco (Miss Benny), a young makeup enthusiast, is hired as an assistant to beauty mogul Madolyn Addison (Kim Catrall). Through his work for the company, Glamorous by Madolyn, Marco develops in his identity, navigates dating, creates new friendships, and more. Madolyn also undergoes character development as a result of being around Marco.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Ben (Michael Hsu Rosen) is a graphic designer for Glamorous by Madolyn who shows interest in Marco (Miss Benny) from their first meeting. Parker (Graham Parkhurst) is a overconfident "finance bro" and also a love interest for Marco. Miss Benny says. “It’s such a fun story to watch, because in one minute you’re like, ‘Oh, I get it. But I also get this one! And which one is Marco going to pick?!’ At the end of the day, it all falls on Marco.” Regardless of which guy Marco ends up with, Miss Benny thinks it’s worth celebrating that this love triangle even exists in the first place.
Marco Mejia (Miss Benny/Ben J. Pierce) & Parker (Graham Parkhurst) & Ben (Michael Hsu Rosen)
MISS BENNY (2023) February 19,1999, Denton, TX, USA
GRAHAM PARKHURST (2023) March 1, 1988, Oshawa, Canada
MICHEAL HSU ROSEN (2023) May 28, New York, NY, USA
SPECIAL: As she waited for production, Miss Benny started transitioning. Alongside Nardino, she carefully coordinated a character arc that would make sense with her own transition. But this isn’t the only way Glamorous portrays queerness from a fresh lens; the series also tackles issues rarely seen on TV: femmephobia within the queer community, for example, affects Marco.
AWARDS: ‘GLAMOROUS’ 2 nominations.
6.1 IMDB