GENERATIONS is a South African soap opera which first premiered on SABC 1 in 1993. It was created and produced by Mfundi Vundla and aired weekdays at 20h00 on SABC 1. Set against the backdrop of the advertising industry, this drama celebrated the hopes and dreams of South Africans who aspire to a better future. GENERATIONS consists of 471 episodes of 30 minutes.
STORY: The backdrop of Generations is the advertising industry, with a storyline that celebrates the dreams and aspirations of South Africans. As in most soaps - rivalry, treachery and blackmail between siblings, friends and foes alike are common. Suspense, intrigue and tension are the order of the day as the plot unfolds and romance influences relationships between warring parties. It’s just the reality of the present generation's lifestyle, where conflicts are ubiquitous and endless. With themes of witchcraft and magic, it includes African influences.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Generations the most watched daily show on South African television rating between 7 million – 10 million viewers per episode also started featuring a loving gay couple. Senzo played by Thami Mngqolo and Jason played by Zolisa Xaluva kissed and went on to get married as part of the storyline on Generations.
Senso Zondo (Thami Mngqolo) & Jason Malinga (Zolisa Xaluva)
THAMI MNGQOLO (1993-now) September 9, 1982, Johannesburg, South Africa
ZOLISA XALUVA (2010-2015) June 13, 1981, New Brighton, South Africa
SPECIAL: There was a public outcry on social media and some threatened to boycott the show if they continued to show same-sex love on their favourite soapie. Social media was abuzz and people often aired their misgivings about seeing two black men showing affection on national television.
AWARDS: ‘GENERATIONS’ 13 wins and 48 nominations.
7.8 IMDB