romantic gay couples





FAKING IT  is an American romantic comedy television series that premiered on MTV on April 22, 2014, The series was created by Dana Min Goodman and Julia Wolov. Carter Covington developed the series and serves as the executive producer. FAKING IT consists of 38 episodes of 21 minutes.

STORY: At Hester High School in the suburbs of Austin, being different is popular. After many failed attempts to stand out, Karma Ashcroft (Katie Stevens) and her best friend Amy Raudenfeld (Rita Volk) are invited to a house party hosted by popular gay student Shane Harvey (Michael Willett), who is under the impression that the girls are a lesbian couple. Continuing the charade as their popularity soars, Karma attracts the attention of the popular and handsome Liam Booker (Gregg Sulkin), while Amy becomes aware of her growing romantic feelings for Karma and a rivalry with her new step-sister, Lauren (Bailey De Young), who discovers that they are faking it.

GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Shane Harvey (Michael J. Willett) is the most popular boy in school who is openly gay. He is witty, straightforward and outgoing, and the best friend of both Liam and Amy. His love interests is a closeted, macho wrestler named Duke (Skyler Maxon), who eventually comes out to please Shane but dumps him when he learns Shane is the one who outed him in the first place. Also Shane has feelings for Noah (Elliot Fletcher), a trans man who Shane feels conflicted about being attracted to due to the gender he was assigned at birth.

Shane Harvey (Michael J. Willett) & Duke Lewis Jr. (Skyler Maxon) & Noah (Elliot Fletcher)

MICHAEL J. WILLETT (2014-2016)  September 11, 1989  
Fresno, CA, USA  

SKYLER MAXON (2014-2015) July 30, 1980, USA

ELLIOT FLETCHER (2016) July 30, 1996 Los Angeles, CA, USA

SPECIAL: Fletcher is a trans man who came out shortly after his 17th birthday. He subsequently began using the name Elliot and he/him pronouns.

AWARDS: ‘FAKING IT’ 1 win and 7 nominations

7.3 IMDB