ENTOURAGE is an American comedy-drama television series that premiered on HBO on July 18, 2004, and ended on September 11, 2011, after eight seasons. Mark Wahlberg and Stephen Levinson served as the show's executive producers, and its premise is loosely based on Wahlberg's experiences as an up-and-coming film star. ENTOURAGE consists of 96 episodes of 28 minutes.
STORY: Entourage revolves around Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier). His best friend and manager is Eric Murphy (Kevin Connolly). "E," as his friends call him, is based on Mark Wahlberg's friend and associate producer Eric Weinstein. He's also been reported to be inspired by Stephen Levinson, Mark Wahlberg's manager. Vincent's older half-brother, Johnny "Drama" Chase (Kevin Dillon), is Vince's personal chef, trainer and bodyguard. Drama is a C-list actor who was in the fictional show Viking Quest during his younger days. Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) is Vince's abrasive but lovable agent. The role has led to several nominations and Emmy Awards for Piven. Ari is based on Wahlberg's real-life agent Ari Emanuel. Episodes of the show focus, besides the friendship between the four main characters, on their lifestyle in Hollywood.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Lee Lloyd (Rex Lee) is a gay Mongolian-American with an art history degree from Sarah Lawrence College and MBA from Stanford Business School, Lloyd first appeared in the second season as Ari's assistant. Unlike with Ari's previous assistants, he is able to endure his boss' frequent barbs at his sexual orientation and ethnicity. When Ari is fired in the episode "Exodus," Lloyd is the only one who joins him on the way out and works for Ari's new agency in the third season. Tom (Brandon Quinn) is Lloyd's boyfriend who first appears in the fourth season as an employee at Finish Line, Inc. In the season, Ari helps him and Lloyd get back together after a brief rift (Tom left Lloyd for cheating on him with another guy).
Lloyd Lee (Rex Lee) & Tom (Brandon Quinn)
REX LEE (2005-2011) January 7, 1969 Warren, OH, USA
BRANDON QUINN (2007-2009) October 7, 1977 Aurora, CO, USA
SPECIAL: To lend credence to the show's situations and locations, most episodes of Entourage feature at least one celebrity guest star, appearing as themselves.
AWARDS: 'ENTOURAGE' won 6 Primetime Emmys. 14 wins & 106 nominations.
8.4 IMDB