LES ENGAGÉS (Int. Title: The Committed or Woke) is a French web-series created and written by Sullivan Le Postec. The first season is co-directed by Jules Thénier and Maxime Potherat, the second by Slimane-Baptiste Berhoun. LES ENGAGÉS consists of 20 episodes of 10 minutes.
STORY: Les Engagés is located in the middle of LGBT activists in Lyon2 and chronicles the life of militants of Point G, a fictitious gay and lesbian center located on the slopes of the Croix-Rousse. Internationally, the series is distributed under the title Woke.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Hicham Alaoui (Mehdi Meskar) leads at 22 still a teenage life, mostly confined to the bedroom of his parents' low-cost apartment. He suddenly decides to leave for Lyon to meet Thibaut (Eric Pucheu) who had tried to kiss him years earlier and whom he has not seen since. Hicham soon finds himself at the heart of the political struggles of Point G, at the same time as he seeks to discover who he is... Elijah Vandewalle (Adrián de la Vega) appears in season 2, when his gaze meets Hicham's in an LGBT bar in Lyon. Hicham will do everything to find him.
Hicham Alaoui (Mehdi Meskar) & Elijah Vandewalle (Adrián de la Vega)
MEHDI MESKAR (2017-2018) March 22, 1995, ?, Reggio Calabria, Italy
ADRIÁN DE LA VEGA (2017-2018) June 4, 1995, ?, France
SPECIAL: Since 2015, Adrián has been using his YouTube channel as an educational platform to open the discourse on issues of trans identity and gender identity. However, he has been involved since his 18 years as a visible trans man to advance the rights of trans people in France. He is also bisexual and after winning the Out d'Or as LGBT Personality of the Year, he has lectured in various locations in France and Belgium.
AWARDS: ‘LES ENGAGÉS’ 16 wins and 13 nominations
7.2 IMDB