DOOM PATROL is an American superhero television series developed by Jeremy Carver. Based on the DC Comics superhero team of the same name, and specifically Grant Morrison's run on the title. DOOM PATROL consists of 46 episodes of 1 hour.
STORY: Doom Patrol follows the unlikely heroes of the eponymous team who all received their powers through tragic circumstances and are generally shunned by society. Most members of the team were treated by the Niles Caulder / Chief, a medical doctor who gave them residence in his mansion to help protect them from the outside world.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE 1: Trainor (Matt Bomer) survived a horrific plane crash which transformed him in more ways than one. Disfigured that ensued when he made contact with the negative spirit, he is covered in special bandages to prevent the spread of the radioactivity emitting from his body. Larry was too down on himself to do anything. His sons are both grown, and he never felt the need to seek them out because he thought any sort of relationship with them would only be a burden. He deeply regrets the way things ended up with his former love John Bowers (Kyle Clements), and even though he agonized over it for decades, he never took the steps to seek him out for closure.
Larry Trainor/Negative Man (Matt Bomer) & John Bowers (Kyle Clements)
MATT BOMER (2019-2023) October 11, 1977, Webster Grove, MO, USA
KYLE CLEMENTS (2019) August 20, 1984, Hammond, LA, USA
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE 2: Edwin Paine (Sebastian Croft) was murdered at his boarding school in 1916, after which he went to Hell, where he was stalked by an unseen menace through a long corridor for several decades. He realizes he's in love with his business partner and best friend of 30 years, Charles Rowland (Ty Tennant).
Edwin Paine (Sebastian Croft) & Charles Rowland (Ty Tennant)
SEBASTIAN CROFT (2021) December 16, 2001, Oxford, UK
TY TENNANT (2021) March 27, 2002, White City, London, UK
SPECIAL: In the comics, Larry (Matt Bomer) is a heterosexual man (he briefly had feelings for Rita), but the Doom Patrol television series reimagined him as a homosexual man from the 1950s coming to terms with his identity. Sebastian Croft and Ty Tennant were cast as the Dead Boy Detectives Charles Rowland and Edwin Paine respectively in season 3 of the DC Universe series Doom Patrol.
AWARDS: ‘DOOM PATROL’ nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. 3 wins and 17 nominations.
7.7 IMDB