DIRTY SEXY MONEY is an American prime time drama series created by Craig Wright. It ran on ABC from September 26, 2007 to August 8, 2009. The series was produced by Berlanti Television and ABC Studios. Wright served as executive producer alongside Greg Berlanti, Bryan Singer, Matthew Gross, Peter Horton and Josh Reims and had Melissa Berman as producer. DIRTY SEXY MONEY consists of 23 episodes of 45 minutes.
STORY: The series revolves around lawyer and family man Nick George (Peter Krause). When Nick's father mysteriously dies in a plane crash, he agrees to take the place of the Darling family's lawyer. He also tries to discover who committed the murder of his father. The Darlings, the wealthiest family in New York, constantly rely on Nick to solve their problems. Nick struggles with his morals as well as balancing his family life while dealing with the demands of the Darlings.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Patrick Darling (William Baldwin) is the firstborn child of Tripp & Letitia Darling. Now in his 40s, he is the New York State Attorney General, married and has two children. A rising political star, he was elected to the United States Senate. He also has a heated affair with the transsexual Carmelita (Candis Cayne) who refuses to leave him. With his marriage on the rocks, Patrick is determined to distance himself from his father and become his own man. He is elected a New York senator and begins an affair with the wife of a gay congressman.
Patrick Darling IV (William Baldwin) & Carmelita (Candis Cayne)
WILLIAM BALDWIN (2007-2009) February 21, 1963, Massapequa, NY, USA
CANDIS CAYNE (2007-2008) August 29, 1971, Maui, HI, USA
SPECIAL: Dirty Sexy Money shows a trans actress in a recurring trans character on television for the first time.
AWARDS: ‘DIRTY SEXY MONEY’ Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. 7 nominations.
7.2 IMDB