DEUTSCHLAND 83 (Int. Title: Germany 83) is a 2015 German television series. It is a co-production of AMC Networks' Sundance TV and RTL Television. The series premiered on June 17, 2015 on the Sundance TV channel in the United States, becoming the first German-language series to air on a US network. The broadcast was in the original German, with English subtitles. It was then broadcast in Germany from November 2015. Deutschland 83 became a sleeping hit. DEUTSCHLAND 83 consists of 8 episodes of 42 minutes.
Alexander Edel (Ludwig Trepte) & Tobias Tischbier (Alexander Beyer)
LUDWIG TREPTE (2015) May 17, 1988, East Berlin, East Germany
ALEXANDER BEYER (2015) June 24, 1973, Erfurt, Germany
SPECIAL: The creative team wrote a fully developed storyline for Alex and Tobias and it was ready to be filmed but is not realized. Alexander Edel was last seen in the series at an AIDS rally in West Berlin in 1986. He was wearing a white T-shirt with an inverted pink triangle on it, a symbol of LGBTQ rights that have gone back to the Nazi insignia which with the gay and bisexual men and trans women were forced to wear in concentration camps.
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