DESMOND'S is a British television sitcom broadcast by Channel 4 from 1989 to 1994. The show was conceived and co-written by Trix Worrell and produced by Charlie Hanson and Humphrey Barclay. With 71 episodes, Desmond's became Channel 4's longest-running sitcom. DESMOND'S consists of 71 episodes of 50 minutes.
Bernie (Rhashan Stone) & Sean Ambrose (Justin Pickett)
RHASHAN STONE (1993-1994) November 3, 1969, Elizabeth, NJ, USA
JUSTIN PICKETT (1989-1994) ?, USA
SPECIAL: When Desmond's son Sean went to university, viewers saw him act out in a sexist, misogynistic and homophobic way. Sean's first college friend was the openly gay character Bernie. Sean became a champion of creating safer spaces for Bernie and his girlfriends. A remarkable storyline set in the early 1990s, a time when actively protesting social ills such as homophobia was considered unimportant and even frowned upon, especially within the black community.