DEAD HOT is an British comedy thriller television created by Charlotte Coben for Amazon Prime Video. It is set to be released on 1 March 2024. DEAD HOT consists 6 episodes.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: It’s been five years since Peter went missing in mysterious circumstances, and still reeling from the trauma, the best friends spiral into a hedonistic lifestyle, partying to numb their grief while clinging to a small hope that they will one day find out what happened. When Elliot (Bilal Ali Hansa) meets Will (Marcus Hodson), he starts to think he can put the past behind him. But when Elliot learns Will has his own dark secrets, just as Jess is contacted by somebody claiming to be her brother, it sets into motion a determination for the pair to find out if Elliot’s romantically cursed—or being targeted.
Eliot (Bilal Ali Hasna) & Will (Marcus Hodson)
BILAL ALI HASNA (2024) ?, 1999, Westminster, London, UK
MARCUS HODSON (2024) ?, London, UK
SPECIAL: It explores themes of class, love and identity through the friendship of Elliot and Jess, brought together by the loss of Peter, Elliot's first love interest and Jess's brother.