DAWSON'S CREEK is an American teen drama television series about the lives of a close-knit group of friends, beginning in high school and continuing through college. The series ran from 1998 to 2003. The series starred James Van Der Beek as Dawson Leery, Katie Holmes as his best friend and love interest, Joshua Jackson as their best friend Pacey Witter. It was produced by Columbia TriStar Television (renamed Sony Pictures Television for its sixth and final season) and was filmed in Wilmington, North Carolina. DAWSON'S CREEK consists of 128 episodes of 1 hour.
Jack McPhee (Kerr Smith) & Doug Witter (Dylan Neal)
KERR SMITH (1998-2003) March 9, 1972, Exton, PA, USA
DYLAN NEAL (1998-2003) October 8, 1969, Richmond Hill, Canada
SPECIAL: Despite the controversy surrounding the sexually oriented topics, the show was a huge critical success.
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