CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND is an American romantic musical comedy-drama television series that premiered on October 12, 2015, on The CW and ran for four seasons, ending on April 5, 2019. CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND consists of 62 episodes of 42 minutes.
STORY: Rebecca Bunch (Rachel Bloom) is a Yale- and Harvard-educated lawyer who works for a top New York City law firm. When offered a promotion, she panics, flees the building, and happens to encounter Josh Chan, whom she dated briefly as a teenager. Josh tells her that he is moving back to his hometown of West Covina, California. She decides to follow. She gets a job at Darryl Whitefeather's law firm.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Darryl Whitefeather (Pete Gardner) is Rebecca's sentimental, emotional and often clueless boss. A middle-aged divorced dad, he discovers he is bisexual and begins dating White Josh (David Hull). He is prone to feelings of loneliness and neediness over the fact that he originally lacked strong friendships and real personal connections with others. White Josh is a laid-back fitness instructor..Josh tends to be judgmental, yet he is one of the most level-headed, rational characters in Darryl’s social sphere. He and Darryl break up over Darryl's desire to have a baby, but stay on friendly terms.
Darryl Whitefeather (Pete Gardner) & White Josh (David Hull)
PETE GARDNER (2016) May 30, 1964, Scarsdale, NY, USA
DAVID HULL (2016) August 5, 1985, Cincinnati, OH, USA
SPECIAL: Rebecca's emotional state hits rock bottom, and she attempts suicide. She receives a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and begins attempting to take better care of her mental health and take responsibility for her actions. After she begins an on-again-off-again relationship with Nathaniel (Scott Michael Foster), a series of events leads to Rebecca pushing her stalker Trent off a roof. Determined to take responsibility for her actions, Rebecca pleads guilty to the crime and goes to jail.
AWARDS: ‘CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND’ Won 4 Primetime Emmys. 16 wins and 44 nominations.
7.9 IMDB