CRASHING is a British comedy-drama miniseries commissioned by Channel 4 and produced by Big Talk Productions. The six-part series premiered on January 11, 2016. It was written and created by Phoebe Waller-Bridge. CRASHING consists of 6 episodes of 30 minutes.
Sam (Jonathan Bailey) & Fred Patini (Amit Shah)
JONATHAN BAILEY (2016) April 25, 1988, Wallingford, UK
AMIT SHAH (2016) April 26, 1981, North London, UK
SPECIAL: The story began as two plays written by Waller-Bridge, which these were developed for television for the production company Big Talk. The show's setting was inspired by Middlesex Hospital, an abandoned hospital in Fitzrovia, near the production company's offices. It was eventually filmed in a disused building of the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel.