romantic gay couples





CLUB DE CUERVOS (Int, Title:  Club of Crows) is a Mexican comedy-drama television series produced by Gary Alazraki and Michael Lam. Premiering with its full first season on August 7, 2015, it is the first Spanish-language Netflix original series. CLUB DE CUERVOS consists of 45 episodes of 40 minutes.

STORY: Set in the fictional city of Nuevo Toledo, Mexico, the series focuses on the Cuervos F.C., a football team that faces an identity crisis after the death of its owner, Salvador Iglesias Sr. Due to male-dominant cultural attitudes, his son, Chava, is quickly chosen to take on the role of new president, despite the fact that his sister, Isabel, is considered to be better suited to run the team. Isabel is resentful of Chava and his position as leader, and vows to do whatever possible to take his place as president.

GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Aitor Cardoné (Alosian Vivancos) is a footballer of Spanish origin, famous for his scandals, as well as for his despotic and haughty behaviour. Aitor is a narcissist, absorbed in his own status as a superstar, an attitude that complicates his relationship with other players and managers. He is bisexual and has quite particular sexual fetishes, such as images of disfigured people, for this reason, he likes to consider himself as pansexual. He is in love and made sexual advances to the owner of the club Chava Iglesias (Luis Gerado Méndez).


Aitor Cardoné (Alosian Vivancos) & Chava Iglesias (Luis Gerardo Méndez)

ALOSIAN VIVANCOS (2015-2019)  August 12, 1991, Loreto, Mexico

LUIS GERARDO MÉNDEZ (2015-2019)  March 12, 1982, Aguascalientes, Mexico

SPECIAL: Aitor Cardoné: “I’m not gay. not bi either. Pansexual. I like everything. I like to have a good time with whoever.”  An icon for Pan folks!

AWARDS:  ‘CLUB DE CUERVOS’ 2 wins and 1 nomination.
8.2 IMDB



