romantic gay couples





Class is an Indian Hindi-language crime drama thriller television series adapted by Ashim Ahluwalia and based on the Spanish series Elite. The series was produced by Bodhi Tree Multimedia and Future East Film. CLASS consists of 8 episodes of 52 minutes.

STORY:  It is set in Hampton International, a fictional elite high school in Delhi, and revolves around the relationships among three working-class students enrolled at the school and their wealthy classmates.

GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Faruq (Chintan Racchch) and Dhruv (Chayan Chopra) meet when Dhruv, who seems to stick in a world where he is chasing his father’s dream of becoming a swimming champion, finds some solace in marijuana. Faruq is the son of a Kashmiri immigrant family, who picks up a side hustle as a drug peddler to make enough money so he can move away from home. However, from the start, Faruq isn’t delusional. He knows that being together would not be easy. Having had an uncle who was killed for being homosexual, Faruq is aware of how cruel the world can be towards non-conforming folks. Dhruv in comparison is rather naive. While he too struggles with coming out, he genuinely hopes that they will be able to overcome all hurdles. Once he asks Faruq, “Hum couple ki tarah to rahenge na (we will stay like a couple, right?)”.

Faruq Manzoor (Chintan Rachchh) & Dhruv Sangvi (Chayan Chopra)

CHINTAN RACHCHH, July 5, 1999, Rajkot, India

CHAYAN CHOPRA, October 6, 2000, New Delhi, India

SPECIAL: When Faruq and Dhruv are arrested while they were making out on the terrace during Balli’s party, While Dhruv is spared, because he has money, Faruq is beaten mercilessly. The scene serves to portray how social class also plays a role in how members of the community are treated. Faruq, the son of a tailor, does not have enough clout to avoid being physically abused by those in power. The instance jolts Faruq to reality and decides to call it quits. The next time they meet Faruq tells Dhruv about his uncle. The recall serves as a reminder to the audience that the views of homosexuality have not changed in the ways the world see it. Faruq never comes out at any point in the first season.

AWARDS: 'CLASS' received at the 2023 Filmfare OTT Awards, 5 nominations, including Best Adapted Screenplay (Series) (Khambatta) 2 wins, 10 nominations.

6.3 imdb