CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA is an American supernatural horror television series developed by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa for Netflix, based on the Archie comic book series. The series is produced by Warner Bros. Television, in association with Berlanti Productions and Archie Comics. Aguirre-Sacasa and Greg Berlanti are executive producers, alongside Sarah Schechter, Jon Goldwater and Lee Toland Krieger. CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA consists of 36 episodes of 1 hour.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Ambrose Spellman (Chance Perdomo) is Sabrina's witch cousin from England who is her partner in crime. He was previously banned from leaving Spellman's house after he was placed under house arrest by the Witches' Council for trying to blow up the Vatican. Lucas "Luke" Chalfant (Darren Mann) is a wizard with whom Ambrose has a romantic relationship. He is murdered by a group of angels, on the trail of the coven.
Ambrose Spellman (Chance Perdomo) & Luke Chalfant (Darren Mann)
CHANCE PERDOMO (2018-2020)
October 19, 1996, Los Angeles, CA, USA
DARREN MANN (2018-2019)May 4, 1989, Vancouver, Canada
SPECIAL: In February 2018, it was announced that Perdomo was cast in the series regular role of Ambrose Spellman. Perdomo previously auditioned for the role of Jughead Jones in Riverdale, but the role was given to Cole Sprouse. However, Perdomo impressed the series creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa with his audition that Aquirre-Sacasa wrote the role of Ambrose with Perdomo in mind.