BORGIA is a French-German-Czech-Italian historical drama series created by Tom Fontana for Canal+, ZDF, ORF and Sky Italia. Borgia debuted in Italy on Sky Cinema 1 on July 10, 2011. BORGIA consists of 38 episodes of 52 minutes.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: The story of the rise and fall of the Renaissance dynasty. Francesco (Matt Di Angelo) was the third son of Giovanni Alidosi, lord of Castel del Rio, and Cipriana Franceschi. Together with Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere (Dejan Cucik), later Pope Julius II, he went to France in 1494. Della Rovere was on the run from Pope Alexander VI and sought protection in the French camp. Francesco later became secretary and right-hand man of Julius II. Cardinal Alidosi became notorious for his cruelty. There were many rumors about the homosexual relationship between these two men.
Giuliano della Rovere (Dejan Cukic) & Francesco Alidosi (Matt Di Angelo)
DEJAN CUCIK (2011-2013) November 25, 1966, Berane, Montenegro
MATT DI ANGELO (2013-2014) May 1, 1987, London, UK
SPECIAL: Eighteen-year-old Francesco Maria della Rovere became a Montefeltro when he was adopted and named "Captain General of the Church". This provoked jealousy on the part of many for all the Pope's attention to Alidosi, which led to Alidosi being stabbed in Ravenna. It is known that Alidosi enjoyed a special affection from the Pope, who could observe him for hours, especially in the art of horseback riding.