BLOOD & WATER is a South African teen crime drama television series developed by Gambit Films for Netflix starring Ama Qamata, Khosi Ngema and Gail Mabalane. BLOOD & WATER consists of 25 episodes of 53 minutes.
Chris Ackerman (Arno Greeff) & Duane Williams (Duane Williams)
ARNO GREEFF (2020-2021) March 14, 1995, Johannesburg, South Africa
DUANE WILLIAMS (2020-2021) ?, Cape Town, South Africa
SPECIAL: As pedestrian as teen dramas may seem to the rest of the world, it is a refreshing change to have a South African drama that features teenagers and isn’t a public service announcement about HIV and Aids, alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy and all the other societal ills the collective loves to moan about. Blood & Water also makes an effort to feature a gay character without centring that character’s story on the overt and sometimes latent homophobia they experience on a daily basis.