THE BEAR is an American comedy-drama television series created by Christopher Storer. It premiered on Hulu on June 23, 2022. THE BEAR consists of 28 episodes of 35 minutes.
Richard Jeromovich (Ebon Moss-Bachrach) & Neil Fak (Matty Matheson)
EBON MOSS-BACHRACH (2022-2023) March 19, 1977, Amherst, MA, USA
MATTY MATHESON (2022-2023) February 7, 1982, Saint John, Canada
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE 2: Through grit and determination, Marcus (Lionel Boyce) develops into a skilled pastry chef with the personality of a teddy bear. He first meets Luca (Will Poulter), a traditionally trained pâtissier, in season two, when Carmen sends him to Copenhagen to study with a former colleague at a Michelin-starred restaurant. Audiences gravitated toward the pair’s natural chemistry — so much that people started to make fancams of the two and their intimate interactions.
Marcus (Lionel Boyce) & Chef Luca (Will Poulter)
LIONEL BOYCE (2022-2024) May 9, 1991, Los Angeles, CA, USA
WILL POULTER (2023-2024) January 28, 1993, Hammersmith, London, UK
SPECIAL: Fak's actor, Matty Matheson, is a well-known celebrity chef. This is ironic, considering Fak is one of the only characters who isn't a chef.