BARRY is an American black comedy crime drama television series created by Alec Berg and Bill Hader that premiered on HBO on March 25, 2018, and concluded on May 28, 2023, after four seasons and 32 episodes. BARRY consists of 32 episodes of 30 minutes.
STORY: Disillusioned at the thought of taking down another "mark," depressed, low-level hit man Barry Berkman (Bill Hader) seeks a way out. When the Midwesterner reluctantly travels to Los Angeles to execute a hit on an actor who is bedding a mobster's wife, little does Barry know that the City of Angels may be his sanctuary. He follows his target into acting class and ends up instantly drawn to the community of eager hopefuls, especially dedicated student Sally, who becomes the object of his affection.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Anthony Carrigan as NoHo Hank, an overly positive and naïve member of the Chechen mafia, and Goran's, the mob boss, best friend and right-hand man, who believes being a gangster is his life's calling, though he denies that he would be happier conducting legitimate business. Hank quickly becomes attached to Barry, who does not reciprocate his attempts at friendship. Michael Irby as Cristobal Sifuentes, the leader of the Bolivian mafia's LA branch and later Hank's love interest.
NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan) & Cristobal Sifuentes (Michael Irby)
ANTHONY CARRIGAN (2018-2023) January 2, 1983, Winchester, MA, USA
MICHAEL IRBY (2018-2023) November 16, 1972, Palm Springs, CA, USA
SPECIAL: Since childhood, Carrigan has had alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss.
AWARDS: ‘BARRY’ Won 10 Primetime Emmys. 53 wins and 221 nominations.
8.4 IMDB