BABY REINDEER is a British black comedy drama-thriller television miniseries created by and starring Richard Gadd, adapted from Gadd's autobiographical one-man show. Directed by Weronika Tofilska and Josephine Bornebusch. The series consists of seven episodes, which all simultaneously premiered on Netflix on 11 April 2024. It received critical acclaim and has had strong viewership on the platform. BABY REINDEER consists of 7 episodes of 30 minutes.
STORY: Aspiring comedian Donny Dunn (Richard Gadd) works as a bartender in a London pub. He offers a cup of tea to a customer, Martha (Jessica Gunning), to cheer her up. Martha develops an attachment to Donny and begins to stalk him both in person and online. Donny reports Martha to the police for stalking, violence and threatening his parents. She is arrested and spends nine months in prison.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Years earlier, Donny Dunn (Richard Gadd) is being mentored by TV writer Darrien O'Connor (Tom Goodman-Hill), who supplies him with drugs. The latter repeatedly sexually assaults and rapes Donny during drug-induced blackouts, until they break off contact. In the present, Darrien and Donny meet again. Darrien suggests a renewal of their collaboration. Donny reluctantly agrees.
Donny Dunn (Richard Gadd) & Darrien O'Connor (Tom Goodman-Hill)
RICHARD GADD (2024) May 11, 1989, Wormit, UK
TOM GOODMAN-HILL (2024) May 21, 1968, Enfield Town, UK
SPECIAL: Gadd identifies as bisexual. Gadd has said that he was sexually assaulted by a man he met earlier in his career. He dated a transgender woman. He has said that he was later stalked and sexually assaulted by an older woman. These events were dramatised in his 2019 Edinburgh show and a Netflix series Baby Reindeer. The depicted woman, Fiona Harvey, denies Gadd's accusations and depiction of her, has never been to jail, and is pursuing Netflix for defamation.
AWARDS: 'Baby Reindeer' 1 win & 7 nominations.
7.8 IMDB