ANDI MACK is an American family comedy-drama television series created by Terri Minsky that aired on Disney Channel from April 7, 2017 to July 26, 2019. The series stars Peyton Elizabeth Lee, Jo Rush, Sofia Wylie, Asher Angel, Lilan Bowden, Lauren Tom, and Trent Garrett. ANDI MACK consists of 57 episodes of 25 minutes.
Cyrus Goodman (Joshua Rush) & TJ Kippen (Luke Mullen)
JOSHUA RUSH (2017-2019)
December 14, 2001, Houston, TX, USA
LUKE MULLEN (2017-2019) September 18, 2001, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
SPECIAL: Cyrus Goodman is the first gay character in a Disney Channel series, an event that has attracted a lot of media attention and was reported in the news as historic. Andi Mack is the highest rated series on cable television among children aged 6-14. The series has been nominated for and won awards for its coming-out storyline, the introduction of which boosted ratings.
AWARDS: 'ANDI MACK’ 5 wins and 8 nominations.