ACKLEY BRIDGE is a British drama series set in a multicultural academy school of the same name. The series began broadcasting on Channel 4 on 7 June 2017. Following the conclusion of the first series, a second series was announced, which was first broadcast in 2018. After a third series consisting of eight episodes was broadcast in 2019. Ackley Bridge was renewed for a fourth series. In June 2021, production on the fifth series of Ackley Bridge commenced. ACKLEY BRIDGE consists of 46 episodes of 1 hour.
STORY: Due to budget cuts, two schools have to merge: a white school and a Pakistani school. The series explores the resulting turbulent school experiences, the challenges that come with it, and also the prejudices and cultural problems that arise. Also the relationships and conflicts of the students, teachers and parents that come up. But the focus on humour is not forgotten.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: Naveed (Gurjeet Singh), desperate to make it as a stand-up comic, derails when his mother discovers that his arranged marriage to Nas Paracha (Amy Leigh Hickman) is a cover and that he is gay. Naveed is immediately evicted from the house. He is supported by best friend Cory (Sam Retford), with whom he also goes to bed. He feels very happy, but his girlfriend Nas warns him not to expect too much from this, as Cory is known to have loose morals. Naveed returns home to pack his bags and decides to leave the family home for good and move in with Cory. When he enters Cory's house, a half-clothed woman comes down the stairs, having just slept with Cory. Naveed is heartbroken and devastated.
Cory Wilson (Sam Retford) & Naveed Haider (Gurjeet Singh)
SAM RETFORD (2017-2019)
June 22, 1999, Gosford, Australia
GURJEET SINGH (2017-2019) October 30, 1972, Amritsar, Punjab, India
SPECIAL: The child abuse storyline in series two involving Jordan (Samuel Bottomley) and Cory Wilson (Sam Retford) received praise from media and viewers, who thanked the producers for handling a difficult subject gracefully.
AWARDS: ‘ACKLEY BRIDGE’ 6 wins and 7 nominations.