AARYA is an Indian crime-thriller drama television series on Disney+ Hotstar, co-created by Ram Madhvani and Sandeep Modi, who also directed the series, with Vinod Rawat, serving as the co-director. Produced by Madhvani under the banner Ram Madhvani Films, along with Endemol Shine Group, it stars Sushmita Sen in the title role and is based on the Dutch drama series Penoza. AARYA consists of 25 episodes of 51 minutes
STORY: The story of Aarya revolves around Aarya Sareen (Sushmita Sen), who is a caring mother and a loving wife. She is quite naïve however, and is unaware of the illegal business her husband is a part of. Things go bad for their family after Aarya's husband Tej Sareen, a pharma baron, is mysteriously killed. The drug mafia and illegal syndicates seek the death of his entire family. In response Aarya joins the gangs. The show traces her journey in becoming the mafia queen who seeks revenge against those who killed her husband. While doing so, she also takes care of her three kids.
GAY COUPLE STORYLINE: ACP Khan (Vikas Kumar) is the police officer investigating the drug ring that Sushmita Sen aka Aarya’s husband was a part of. While he is pacing his office, trying to figure out what to do next, a constable walks in to inform him that someone has bought him dinner.He steps out of the room, meets his boyfriend Ajay (Nishank Verma) with a smile as the two have dinner together. And it’s with this simple introduction that the show does justice to his role. It isn’t in your face and ACP Khan isn’t a token gay character to establish diversity. Not once does the show call Ajay his boyfriend, but the chemistry between the two and their domestic exchange makes it quite obvious.
Younus Khan (Vikas Kumar) & Ajay (Nishank Verma)
VIKAS KUMAR, (2020-2024), May 18, 1977, Gaja, India
NISHANK VERMA (2020), July 15, 1988, Gurgaon, India
SPECIAL: Having a Muslim homosexual character in a mainstream series is quite an effort to break the gender-based stereotypes and Aarya does it with the character of ACP Khan.
AWARDS: 'AARYA' 9 wins and 47 nominations.
7.7 imdb